The owners of the farm, Jazdon family, have long wondered about the construction of the facility, which would allow the storage of grain in safe conditions. FEERUM chose to implement the investment - both during the construction of the first part of the building and its subsequent development.

The Jazdon farm specializes in the cultivation of potatoes and vegetables, among which onion is the leader. Harvest from a several hundred hectares farm are packed by the family company of the Jazdons - Onix. The high Polish result in the ranking of European onion producers (in 2017 the first place with production at the level of 660 thousand tonnes) is a lot of Onix production. The farm also grows high quality consumer potatoes of various types of culinary. Extensive experience, developed technical facilities, and above all, the constant desire to develop agronomists and the owners themselves, makes the Jazdons farm the best place to grow even the most demanding potato varieties.

The task set before FEERUM was to build a silo complex in which grains from own crops and those obtained through purchase could be stored. The old grain storage system in flat warehouses has become ineffective for the expanding farm.

- FEERUM met all our requirements and took into account comments, including those reported during the implementation of the entire construction. We wanted silos with less capacity because we usually store several different types of cereals. The first part of the facility has already served several harvesting seasons. The facility works without any complaints - according to the promise, the quality of machinery and equipment is at the highest level. Thanks to the FEERUM automatic control system, the service of even a dozen or so silos is fabulously simple. It was not without significance that FEERUM is an indigenous Polish company - emphasizes Tomasz Jazdon.

The facility in Chobienice after expansion has a total capacity of over 3,200 tons of grain. The hopper – bottomed silos with an open funnel, conveyor belts, conveyor chains, bucket elevators and sieve and drum cleaner were used. During the extension of the facility, additional soundproofing of transport equipment was made to minimize the noise emission. The silo complex was built in the immediate vicinity of Ostoja Chobienice (a holiday and conference complex created in restored buildings of the eighteenth-century property of the Mielżyński family), stables with a riding school and a distillery.

Watch a short video on investment.

Publication Date: 11-28-2018